Chat GPT ist aktuell in aller Munde, natürlich habe ich auch ein paar Experimente damit durchgeführt. Diesmal habe ich versucht ein Mathe-Rätsel von der AI lösen zu lassen, hier was dabei raus kam:

Anmerkung: Ich habe die Höflichkeits-Sätze der AI weg gelassen um den Text leserlicher zu halten.

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Imagine a 4 digit number that multiplied by 4 gives you the same number written backwards
One possible solution is the number 2002. When multiplied by 4, the result is 8008, which is 2002 written backwards. Here's the math to show that this is a valid solution: 2002 * 4 = 8008
Ok, ich versteh’ was du verstanden hast KI, also schränken wir es weiter ein.
What if you can not use the same number more than one time
If you can't use the same number more than once, then there is no solution for this problem. This is because the number 2002 uses the digit 0 twice, and the requirement that the same number cannot be used more than once means that a solution cannot have any repeating digits.
Oops, Neuer Versuch.
Ok so the rules are take any 4 digit number, with no duplicates, multiply it by 4 and the result must be the same number written backwards
In that case, there are indeed solutions to the problem. Here is one possible solution: 1230 * 4 = 4920 This solution works because 1230 * 4 is equal to 4920, which is the original number 1230 written backwards.
Öhhm, 4920 ist 1230 Rückwärts? Leider erneut daneben, geben wir mal etwas Hilfestellung
1230 written backwards is not 4920, it is 0321
I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. You are correct that 1230 written backwards is 0321, not 4920. In that case, there are no solutions to the problem as stated. This is because it is not possible to find a 4-digit number with no repeating digits that, when multiplied by 4, is equal to the original number written backwards.
I’m pretty sure there is a solution, try 2178 as the first number.
You are correct, 2178 is a valid solution to the problem. When multiplied by 4, the result is 8712, which is the original number 2178 written backwards. Here is the math to show that this is a valid solution: 2178 * 4 = 8712
Ok er zeigt mir, dass er das Problem verstanden hat, konnte aber keine Lösung selbst finden.
now that you know a solution, do you find another one?
Yes, I can try to find another solution to the problem. Here is another solution: 2468 * 4 = 9872 This solution works because 2468 * 4 is equal to 9872, which is the original number 2468 written backwards.

Nun, offenbar ist die KI zwar in der Lage zu verstehen was das Grundlegende Problem ist, kann jedoch nicht auf eine eigene Lösung kommen. Ich habe den Versuch auch mit der Multiplikation mit 3 versucht, jedoch sind die Antworten der KI die gleichen.